An online consultation to inform the UK Global Tariff

21st February 2020

To inform the development of the UK Global Tariff, the UK Government has launched a four-week public consultation on the UK Global Tariff policy. The Government encourages everyone with an interest to take part and provide their views by 5 March 2020.

The consultation offers you the opportunity to provide:

  • Views on a potential series of amendments to the Common External Tariff to create a bespoke UK tariff- specifically: simplifying and tailoring the UK Global Tariff policy, removing tariffs on goods imported by UK businesses to manufacture other goods, and where the UK has zero or limited domestic production
  • Specific feedback on specific products or commodity codes of importance to you, including on the corresponding tariff rate
  • Information on your interactions with Most Favoured Nation tariffs and the importance of tariffs to sectors that are important to you

Respond online here

Find the consultation description here

Product Conformity for Exporters

The Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) is currently carrying out a survey to inform their planning for future trade deals with the EU and non-EU trading partners. To inform priorities they are conducting research with businesses that export to the EU and non-EU markets.

The Government encourages everyone with an interest to take part and complete the 10-15 min survey.

Complete online survey here

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