Fife Business Week 2021, a virtual success!

11th November 2021

FIFE Business Week has wrapped up for 2021 and has proved to be a major success. Over 20 online events were held for businesses of all sizes and in all sectors and these attracted an impressive 900 registrations from businesses.

On Monday, MakeUK delivered a very popular session on engaging with the Defence Sector with feedback from Scott Thomson at MBP Ltd saying: “I found the event well worthwhile and because we do some work in that sector already, it was very good to learn a bit more and understand it all. It was really interesting.”

The Meet the Buyer event on Thursday is always in great demand and the insights to the opportunities for businesses to participate in major programmes like the £200 million Dunfermline Learning Campus project and the £70 million Levenmouth Railway Link project were well received by delegates. All attendees said the sessions gave them encouragement to bid for more public sector contracts and supply chain and subcontracting opportunities in the future. Other events like Employment Law FAQs for Employers on Friday attracted a lot of interest with attendees finding the event inspiring and very useful.

Councillor Altany Craik, Convenor for Fife Council’s Economy, Tourism, Strategic Planning and Transportation Committee commented:

“Fife Business Week 2021 has had a great response from our local businesses and highlights an air of optimism about the economic future, especially as we emerge from the impact of COVID and our exit from the European union.” He added:

“On behalf of our partner organisations and agencies, I would like to thank all the event organisers for their continued support and valuable contribution to Fife Business Week. I am hopeful that businesses will reap the benefit of participation in the wide range of sessions delivered, allowing them to move forward with confidence in the future.”

Hosted by Fife Council’s Economic Development Team and Business Gateway team under the InvestFife brand, Fife Business Week is designed to support businesses to succeed and flourish whilst making Fife the best place to do business.

For more information on Fife Business Week please email [email protected] or visit

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