Opportunities in the Low Carbon Heat Sector

1st March 2017

Fife Renewable's Innovation Centre, Methil - Tuesday 14th March, 2017, 09.30 – 14.00

Scottish Enterprise with support from Green Business Fife will run a half-day event around the low carbon heat sector. It is free to attend and offers companies the chance to hear from industry experts about emerging supply chain opportunities.

The event will give you:

  • The latest news from industry experts and guest speakers on technology and supply chain trends
  • Practical advice to help your company take advantage of emerging opportunities
  • Networking opportunities to discuss your company's ambitions with the speakers, other participants and Scottish Enterprise
  • Information on further support available including how to apply for free, one-to-one support from the Low Carbon Heat Expert Support Programme

Eligibility: Companies currently in the low carbon heat supply chain or companies in other industries looking to access the sector.

Our Low Carbon Heat Expert Support programme enables businesses to gain an early understanding of supply chain requirements and develop capabilities to take advantage of emerging industry opportunities now and in the future.

The programme offers businesses up to two full days of free one-to-one advice and guidance about diversifying into the low carbon heat sector. Support is delivered by specialist advisors who have knowledge and experience of the sector.

Registration can be done online at - https://events.scottish-enterprise.com/events/ClientApps/Silverbear.Web.EDMS/public/default.aspx?tabid=37&id=301404&orgId=1

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