Young Person's Guarantee: Everyone is Guaranteed a Job
"We will guarantee to every young person aged between 16 and 24 in Scotland the opportunity, based on their own personal circumstances and ambitions, of going to university or college, an apprenticeship programme, training, fair employment including work experience, or participating in a formal volunteering programme."

If you're an employer who runs or wants to run apprenticeships, work experience, internships or training programmes for Scotland's young people, you could be eligible for additional benefits, support and recognition through Young Person's Guarantee.
Young Person's Guarantee ensures young people and businesses collaborate towards a bright and prosperous future, providing mutual benefits to both employee and employer and improving the fabric of Scotland's workforce.
With a range of benefits for employers, the scheme presents the opportunity for businesses to connect with and have open conversations with the talented young people in your area who are curious about working in your industry, resulting in strengthening your workforce, diversifying your team and doing something good in the process.
What is Young Person's Guarantee?
The Scottish Government scheme aims to establish connections between young people and industry professionals to inspire and educate within the sector, creating more job opportunities and growing employability.
Any employer that opts into Young Person's Guarantee will gain access to a range of opportunities to reach out to the young people in your area who are looking for work or are interested in your industry. This can include delivering school talks, facilitating skills development workshops and attending open days.
You'll get the chance to speak directly to potential future employees first-hand, initialising a working relationship that might come to fruition in the future.
Whether you're delivering an internship, formal volunteering, an apprenticeship or further or higher education, the scheme is committed to creating great opportunities and connections for everyone in the community.
How you'll benefit from joining Young Person's Guarantee
There are many other benefits in joining the Guarantee, including:
- Building a skilled workforce for now and in the future
- A fresh outlook on your business and how it operates from a multi-generational team
- Help with recruitment, retention and succession planning
- Motivate your existing staff
- Meeting your social responsibility to your community
- Strengthening the curriculum surrounding your industry and business
Helping to build your workforce
By interacting with the scheme, you'll gain insight into the motivations, passions and cultures of today's young people, giving you a clearer picture of what the future might look like and how best to adjust to it.
This allows you to actively visualise the future of your team and your business and help you better meet the needs of incoming talent seeking to gain new skills in your industry.
You'll be able to keep an eye on any promising talent from an early age, coaching and encouraging them up until the point where you might even consider employing them. Scouting young workers through Young Person's Guarantee is a fantastic way to play an active role in building your workforce.
Diversify your team and tackle inequality
By joining Young Person's Guarantee, you show your commitment to not only providing employment opportunities to local young people but you're set to benefit from fresh outlooks and perspectives that will help your team become more dynamic.
Building a strong, diverse and multi-generational workforce is one of the keys to establishing a successful and innovative team within your business.
Employing workers from all walks of life ultimately increases the capabilities of your team, encourages a positive workplace culture and improves staff engagement and job retention. The scheme also provides support in developing your diversity and inclusion strategy, allowing you to meet your goals more efficiently and effectively.
Inspiring young people
Through talks, apprenticeships and networking events, you'll be given the opportunity to share your passions with interested young people who could benefit from dedicated support and guidance from an industry professional.
You'll inspire the younger generation to gain the skills they need for the world of work. As a result, you'll increase your business profile within the community and pass on the wisdom that could make all the difference in a young person's life.
Join Young Person's Guarantee today
Many fantastic Fife businesses, for example, Purvis Holdings, Old Course Hotel and HR Booth, are but a few who have already signed up to the Young Person's Guarantee, and we’re looking for more.
If you are providing opportunities mentioned or engaging with young people through work experience, mentoring, or industry insight, you are already supporting the YPG, so why not pledge your support?
Or, if you're interested in cultivating more opportunities for Scotland's young people, please get in touch, and we can provide the support you need to get involved.
Pledge your Support to the Young Person's Guarantee - DYW - Scotland.