St Andrews Management Centre
St Andrews Management Centre work with organization's to support them through international trade processes, and help you to take advantage of Government's schemes which exist to help traders minimise their duty burden and ensure that the customs processes are fully compliant.
They offer an International Trade Support Service which offers innovative solutions and technical updates.
Export Support Service
The Export Support Service is a new helpline for UK businesses where you can get answers to practical questions about exporting to Europe. The service is a ‘one-stop shop’ and brings together UK Government information, making it easier for exporters to access advice and support.
Trading with NI
The Trader Support Service can be used if you are moving goods between GB and Northern Ireland. You can access online training modules and webinars for support with the Northern Ireland Protocol.
Other Helpful Resources
The UK Government brings together international trade and investment information and services from across the government. It is maintained by the Department of International Trade (DIT).
DIT is the government department responsible for promoting and financing international trade and investment and championing free trade.
Find out more about UK trade agreements with non-EU countries.
Notice to exporters 2024/18: update on AUKUS and publication of new open general licence
Page summary:
The Export Control Joint Unit (ECJU) advises of the publication of an open general licence to support the AUKUS Nations.
Change made:
First published.
Time updated:
3:05pm, 16 August 2024
Open general export licences (OGELs)
Page summary:
Use an OGEL to export controlled dual-use or military goods, software and technology overseas.
Change made:
A new Open general licence (AUKUS nations) has been added to collections.
Time updated:
3:04pm, 16 August 2024
Open general licence (AUKUS nations)
Page summary:
Licence allowing the export of dual-use items or military goods software or technology and trade of military goods, to, between and among Australia, the USA and the UK.
Apply for a standard individual export licence (SIEL) updated
Page summary:
Use this service to apply for a SIEL to export products or goods. You also can manage your applications and licences.
Change made:
Information was updated to better explain which SIELs should be applied for in SPIRE instead of the new Apply for a SIEL service.
Time updated:
8:55am, 24 September 2024