22nd National Economic Forum on 1st May
The 22nd National Economic Forum will explore how to drive improvement in Scotland’s export performance and help make a positive difference to the Scottish economy. The Forum will be held on Wednesday 1st May 2019 at the Edinburgh Corn Exchange, 10 New Market Rd, Edinburgh.
As part of this event the First Minister will deliver a keynote speech alongside addresses from the Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Economy and Fair Work and David Cutter, President, Global Supply and Procurement, Diageo. There will be opportunities to engage with the First Minister, Cabinet Secretaries and keynote speakers in plenary and group discussion sessions. Those smaller group discussions, facilitated by Ministers and business leaders will provide an opportunity to explore the following issues in more depth:
- Building global ambition in Scottish based businesses
- Developing and improving Scotland’s export capacity and capability
- Expansion in market and exploitation of export opportunities
- Making the most of Scotland’s international footprint
You can register via the following link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-22nd-national-economic-forum-tickets-59044801591