Clear Your Head Campaign
The Scottish Government’s ‘Clear Your Head’ campaign is currently running on television, radio and online and highlights the practical things people can do to help them feel better whilst continuing to stay at home during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Acknowledging these are worrying and uncertain times for many, the campaign is part of a package of measures announced by the Scottish Government to help people look after their mental health during and after the Coronavirus outbreak. This is the first phase in a three phase campaign. We will provide information on phase two and phase three in due course.
Simple steps to take better care of our mental health and wellbeing over the coming weeks include:
- Keeping to a routine – trying to sleep and wake at the same time, and eating at regular times
- Moving more – staying active, within the current guidance, to boost your mood
- Taking a break – limiting exposure to the news on social media if you feel things are getting on top of you, instead using fun games, quizzes and apps online to pass the time
- Making time for yourself – simply taking a breather or doing something you enjoy
- Keeping in touch – phoning family and friends to ease worry and feel connected.
Speaking about the campaign Alan Gow from Healthy Working Lives Fife said:
"The messages promoted by the Clear Your Head campaign are aimed at the whole population, however we recognise that further support is needed across Fife to help them through this unprecedented time. The “Clear Your Head Resource Pack” is attached below and contains further information which will assist you, your staff and volunteers to support those who are in crisis or showing signs of distress.