Fife Business Leaders Meet Scottish Minister
Jamie Hepburn MSP, Minister for Business, Fair Work and Skills, recently enjoyed a breakfast meeting with members of the Fife Economy Partnership.
Mr Hepburn met with members of the partnership and representatives from the Fife Chamber of Commerce to discuss some of the challenges and opportunities facing businesses in Fife after Brexit.
Topics discussed included the future of Fife’s Developing Young Workforce programme, working to better prepare children and young people for the world of work.
The support available to businesses to continue to trade and access new markets and appropriately skilled labour whilst the UK leaves the EU were also discussed, along with how companies can be helped to respond to the climate change emergency.
Chair of the Fife Economy Partnership, Michael Longstaffe, said: “We enjoyed a positive discussion with Mr Hepburn, during which we discussed how the Scottish Government can help Business in Fife post-Brexit.”
Mr Longstaffe continued: “The Partnership was delighted that Mr Hepburn took the time to meet with so many from the business community in Fife. We should all value the meetings we have with senior Government Ministers and the dialogue these sessions give us with the Scottish Government.
“The meeting gave us a clear opportunity to update the Minister on current challenges facing businesses in Fife and we appreciated that.”