Fife College delivers nearly 300 devices to students for remote learning during the outbreak
Delivered while adhering to social distancing rules, laptop devices are being dropped off at the homes of college students across Fife.
The vital equipment is also being delivered to Fife College students who live further afield, including those in Edinburgh, Tayside, Clackmannanshire and Perth & Kinross.
Staff are making the deliveries as part of the College’s commitment to ensure students still have the opportunity to learn during the coronavirus pandemic.
Remote teaching has become part of everyday college life due to the pandemic with Fife College lecturers utilising a number of online resources to engage with students.
A dedicated student information page has also been set up on the College’s website to support students. The page contains a number of helpful guides and links to aid remote studying.
Kris Getchell, the College’s Chief Information Officer, said: “We are absolutely committed to helping students continue their courses during these uncertain times.
“Working with our areas academic teams we were able to identify a number of students who required additional equipment to allow them to study from home and we are delighted to be able to drop off these devices at their homes.
“The health and wellbeing of our students and their continuing learning remains paramount. We will continue to do everything we can to support them – from ensuring they have the resources they need to study at home to sharing the latest information and advice.”
For the latest information and advice about the coronavirus outbreak for Fife College students and staff visit our coronavirus pages.