Fife Economy Partnership appoints new Chair
The Fife Economy Partnership announces the appointment of Michael Longstaffe as its new Chair.
Chief Executive Officer at Smith Anderson – the UK’s leading manufacturer of paper bags, based in Kirkcaldy – Michael was previously chair of the Partnership’s Trade Development Group and is a longstanding director of the Fife Chamber of Commerce.
Michael will be assisted by Ian Palmer, Managing Director of John Fergus & Co Ltd, who was elected the Partnership’s Vice-Chair.
The appointments were made at the Fife Economy Partnership (FEP) Executive Group’s quarterly meeting held last month at John Fergus & Co Ltd’s Inchdairnie Distillery in Glenrothes when members thanked its outgoing Vice-Chair, Stephen Edmiston.
Stephen, who has been an active member of the Fife Economy Partnership for a number of years, was presented with a crystal award in recognition of his Vice-Chairmanship over the past four years.
Director of Operations at Ingenico in Dalgety Bay, Stephen was elected Vice-Chair in January 2015 and took over the Chair’s responsibilities in June 2018.
Cllr Altany Craik, Convener of Fife Council’s Economy, Tourism, Strategic Planning and Transportation Committee, praised the work carried out by Stephen during his four year term of office saying:
“We’re all indebted to Stephen for the commitment and leadership he’s given the Partnership. Under his leadership, the Partnership launched a new Economic Strategy for Fife and refreshed and reviewed the structure of the FEP, setting up a number of business-led delivery groups to take forward our new strategy along with an annual business forum with local MPs and MSPs.
“We are delighted that Michael and Ian have both agreed to take on the respective rols of Chair and Vice-Chair. Their collective wealth of experience will bring great value to the FEP and we look forward to working with them both as we take on the big challenges and opportunities facing Fife’s economy.”