Fife Gingerbread share their lockdown activities

26th June 2020

Fife Gingerbread have been at the side of lone parents and families in need for over 30 years. But when that support network is turned upside down due to a crisis none of us have ever seen- what is the answer? They found it came in the resilience of the incredible families that they work with. The trust and strong relationships with their support workers have given these mothers, fathers and carers strength and confidence.

Fundraising & Communications Co-ordinator Linsey Proctor explained how the team went about it: “Facebook, Zoom coffee groups, phone calls, snapchat- you name it- we’ve done it! The last few weeks we have been able to deliver play and care packages and most importantly, have a face to face chat with families. Our staff have learned Tik-Tok dances, read stories and sent out cooking videos. Bikes and school equipment have been sourced and families have been directed to the financial support they need. It’s a new way or working, but somethings remain the same- the love between our charity and the people we help.”

She went on to say “I feel the best way to share our story is through the people we support. Please find below several links to article written by, and for, our Gingerbread families. They are positive and hopeful, just like them.”

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