Fife Learn: Developing People workshops - call to action
Our next Fife Learn programme will focus on what is probably the biggest challenge for most organisations but, when they get it right, also the biggest opportunity for them to stay ahead of their competitors and be successful: finding, developing, managing and motivating staff who can make a really positive impact on the business.
It starts on 1st November 2018 with an exciting Master Class by one of Scotland’s most dynamic companies – Journeycall – who we are confident will be able to answer some of your burning questions. You can register here.
The problem is that while every business has some of the answers and ideas no company has them all. Fife Learn addresses this by letting Chamber members work together to combine their knowledge, so they can all get better performance from their people.
It just needs members – you – to share their own company’s experiences, insights and successes with each other: will you?
If you will, then help us to design and deliver collaborative member workshops and discussion groups. You’ll learn things you need to know at the same time as you are helping others learn what they need to know – the perfect win-win.
You don’t need to be an expert to be part of Fife Learn - if you have ever employed people in your business you have knowledge you can share that someone will find useful in their organisation.
If you put as much into your Chamber as you take out, then you will get more out of your Chamber. Interested? Then tell Alan Mitchell what you can contribute to Fife Learn Developing People. Call Alan on 01592 64770 or email him [email protected]