Fife Workplace Team - Suicide Prevention Awareness Training Opportunities Available
Fife Workforce Team have shared the following training opportunities during Suicide Prevention Awareness Week
Introduction to Understanding Suicide - Learning Byte
Dates: 09/09/2022
Time: 10:00
Duration (hrs): 01:00
Venue: Platform Teams
Aims: Fife Suicide Prevention Network This short, animated video explores the factors surrounding suicide and complexities of individuals who experience suicidal thinking.
This can be viewed by anyone as a stand alone introduction to suicide - promoting the ethos that ‘suicide is everyone’s business’ or it can be viewed as pre-course preparation if you have signed up to attend one of the ‘Mental Health Improvement & Prevention of Self-Harm & Suicide…..Ask Tell’ workshops.
Understanding and Responding to Children and Young People at risk of Self-Harm and Suicide
Dates: 06/09/2022
Time: 15:00
Duration (hrs): 01:00
Venue: Platform Teams
Aims: This awareness raising session explores the Our Minds Matter Guidance for adults who work with young people in Fife and signposts to complementary local training and resources.
The registration deadline has been extended for these sessions until Friday 19th August.
To register for a place, please visit and either log in to your account or register for an account to request a place.