First anniversary of Dunedin Advisory’s transition to becoming an EOT
Christine Convy – director comments, “It’s been a very quick and unprecedented first EOT year for the Dunedin Advisory team. Completing our EOT status just 6 days after going into lockdown in 2020 and managing to achieve a seamless ‘home working’ environment for all staff within a week was no mean feat!”
This transition together with updating many of the systems and processes online with new technology and server has fast tracked the company into deciding ‘blended working’ is the way forward. Christine adds, “We’ve also launched two microsites, the first direct to SME’s in need of recovery/restructuring – and for individuals with mounting debt issues.”
Two exciting new office relocations to ITEK House in Glenrothes, and a move into Glasgow city centre at 2 West Regent Street have completed the upgrade of all three offices in Scotland including Dundee, giving the space, technology and flexibility to meet the needs of clients for the year ahead. It’s been quite a year!