Funding boost for Young Person’s Guarantee
A further £70 million funding for the Young Person’s Guarantee will see more help for employers who want to recruit and train staff, more industry-focussed courses from colleges, an expansion of the DYW school co-ordinators programme and a new graduate internship scheme. The Young Person’s Guarantee is a multi-faceted programme whose different strands have one simple objective: to ensure everyone aged between 16 and 24 has the opportunity of work, education or training.
Welcoming the extra funding, Alan Mitchell, Chief Executive of Fife Chamber of Commerce, said: “Covid restrictions have hurt Fife’s businesses and its economy, and everyone is worried that young people will suffer the most because of this. It doesn’t have to be this way. The Scottish and UK Governments are pumping a lot of money into programmes that will help young people get a positive start to their careers, but they need more employers to step up and offer opportunities for the young people. So, whether it is work placements/experience, apprenticeships or mentoring, and whether it’s through Developing Young Workforce, Career Ready or Kickstart, all businesses can participate and make a better future for the young people that we and our businesses will rely on in the years ahead. We can make a difference now, so please take the first step and give a young person your own guarantee you’ll help them.“