Grab a FREE Competitor report inside Inspire's Xmas Newsletter

21st December 2022

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

The festive season is upon us and for many, that means it's the most wonderful time of the year. For those of us operating within the business and marketing worlds, however, it's the busiest time of the year...

Agency life is fast-paced. Our clients expect results whether it's -5° C or 25° C, so even over Christmas you won't notice the Inspire team slowing down much ... except to perhaps eat a few more chocolates than usual.

With that in mind, I thought it pertinent to share some easy wins that you should employ over the festive period to help improve your customer experience and give your website a boost going into 2023 and beyond.

I've also included a short piece on winter productivity hacks to help keep you and your team motivated during the dark winter months.

In addition, this newsletter gives Fife Chamber Members the opportunity to get a free competitor report so that you can stay ahead of your competition and ensure you're not falling behind on those all-important Google rankings.

Don't get left out in the cold

The Christmas and New Year rush is very much alive on the internet these days and there are so many ways for business owners to take advantage.

Whether it's advertising Christmas specials; giving out festive goodies; or preparing for January sales, there are a lot of easy wins website owners should be taking to give their business the best chance of success in the New Year.

Some online Christmas wins to employ this December are:

🗓 Add "2023" into the title of your blogs or YouTube videos. It may sound simple, but this easy-to-implement tip could propel your content to the top of Google and give you a boost heading into 2023.

🕔 Make sure your website is updated with your Christmas hours! You can do this yourself (or ask me for a hand), but make sure your customers know when you're off during the festive period

🎄 Add some festive cheer to your socials. It's that time of year when people are going content crazy for Christmas. Make sure your socials reflect this and you'll almost certainly notice an increase in engagement.

💸 Start preparing your January sales and deals promotions early so as soon as Christmas is over, you can advertise your fantastic discounts across all your platforms.

🎉 Use "New Year Resolutions" as a wide-open blog topic to push services, deals or products you want to support

Winter productivity hacks

Struggling to stay motivated this winter?

Is the cold weather sapping your energy and impacting your productivity?

These productivity hacks are for you!

It's not uncommon to feel lazy, unmotivated or tired over the winter period. The commute to work can suddenly seem a daunting task when all you want to do is cosy up on the sofa with a hot drink and a Christmas film. Even the most productive workers are bound to feel less energetic over winter.

However, it's the actions that we take to promote our own productivity that sperates the best from the rest.

If you're looking for an extra boost of motivation this December, these simple but effective winter activity hacks could make all the difference!
  • Get moving! It sounds simple, but daily exercise is one of the best ways to up our energy and improves our mood. Just 10 minutes of exercise every morning will set you up for a more productive day.
  • Make the effort to go outside. We know it can be difficult to head outside for a walk during winter, especially when it's dark all the time. But getting outside daily will dramatically improve your mental health and help you enjoy your working day more.
  • Set exciting goals. Goals are a great way to stay motivated. Just be sure not to set unrealistic goals, as this is the number one reason why people give up on their resolutions before January ends. Set manageable goals and take small, actionable steps towards them each and every day.

Stay ahead of the competition

When it comes to keyword rankings on major search engines such as Google and Bing, it's a cutthroat world. Rankings on Google are constantly changing and it doesn't take much for your site to drop from rank number 1 to number 10 overnight.

The most common reason for keyword rankings dropping is that a competitor has managed to pull ahead by putting out better optimized and more valuable content on a specific topic, thus forcing your page down the rankings whilst their page climbs. One of the best ways to prevent this from happening is by keeping a keen eye on your competitors.

Stay ahead of your competitors by:

🧠 Having a firm understanding of who your competitors are. Without knowing who you're competing against, how can you expect to win?

⚡️ Using data to check on keyword rankings. This allows you to see how your site is performing whilst also checking on how your competitors are performing on high-value keywords in your industry.

📈 Taking action to ensure your keyword rankings are climbing rather than falling. This means updating old content, producing new content, improving your metadata and, above all else, providing value to your customers.

Inspire offers an in-depth competitor reporting service that enables you to see what keywords your competitors are ranking for. With this data, you can then take action to ensure your site is also targeting those keywords so that you are keeping your share of the online market whilst staying ahead of your competition.

Since it's Christmas, we're giving you a free report so you can make the best possible start to 2023.


Connect with me on Linkedin

If you have any questions, fancy a chat or are looking for an introduction to someone, message me on Linkedin.


If you want any specific advice about anything digital, I'm here to help. Give me a call on 01738 700 006 or drop me a line and I’ll get right back to you.

Best regards,

David Dwyer
Director - Inspire Digital

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