Have your voice heard through Perth Innovation
As a member of the Fife Chamber of Commerce, you are sent a request to complete the SCC Quarterly Economic Indicator Survey which is collated by Scottish Chamber of Commerce (SCC). When the surveys have been completed, the SCC works with the Fraser of Allander Institute to analyse the results and combine them with official statistics from the Treasury and the Organisation for National Statistics. From this they produce a report on the state of Scottish business, as seen by Chamber members.
The next step in the process is carried out by the SCC’s Business Advisory Group. The Group consists of business leaders from construction, transport, retail, training and manufacturing, ranging in size from micro-businesses to large international organisations. Chaired by Tim Allan, President of the Scottish Chambers of Commerce, the Advisory Group meets formally once a quarter not just to comment on the QEI results, but also on other topics that are of concern to Scottish businesses.
Fife Chamber member, Billy Grierson, of Perth Innovation, is a member of the Business Advisory Group and welcomes the opportunity to talk to anyone about the issues affecting Scottish Businesses. “I feel that Government (both Westminster and Holyrood) is too often focused on what is good for bigger businesses. Similarly, industry bodies such as the CBI tend to lean towards larger companies. The way in which the SCC conducts and analyses the Economic Indicator Survey, allows smaller businesses to have their voice heard.”
So, if you want to have a say in what the Scottish Chambers of Commerce say on your behalf, the Quarterly Economic Indicator is a good place to start – and, if there is a particular challenge for Scottish Business you think the Scottish Chambers should be considering, feel free to buttonhole Billy when you see him at Chamber meetings.