Hold the Date - Fife Freight Forum
Hold the date of 31st October for an opportunity to influence one of the largest transport infrastructure projects in Fife for a decade.
The re-opening of the Levenmouth Rail Link will provide a once in a life time opportunity for businesses in Fife to be part of the process of bringing this project to life in a way that benefits your business.
This rail link can revitalise freight movements into and out of Fife in a way that has not been seen here for a generation.
The multi modal opportunities that this project will bring to Fife are wide ranging. This meeting of the Fife Freight Forum has been combined with the SEStran Freight Forum to give you and your business the platform to inform and influence the Blueprint for Levenmouth Rail so that the opportunities you visualise can be considered as part of the Blueprint.
This valuable event will be held on Thursday 31st October at Fife Renewables Innovation Centre, Leven
The event starts with registration from 13:30 with tea/coffee and a light lunch provided.
The forum commences at 2pm, with opportunities for networking from 4pm.
Agenda for the day to follow.
If you would like to attend, please email Jane Findlay by clicking here