How to Save Money on Your Energy Bills - Online Information Session

27th September 2022

How to Save Money on Your Energy Bills’ Home Energy Scotland & Cosy Kingdom - Online Information Session for Fife's Workplaces: Friday 18th November 12noon -1pm

It's a worrying time - with rising energy bills continuing to dominate the news.

Many people are struggling to keep their households warm and, in some instances, are having to choose between affording to heat their home or provide a cooked meal.

Home Energy Scotland have teamed up with Cosy Kingdom and Fife Workplace Team, Fife Health Promotion Service, to help you and your workers keep warmer at home for less this winter. The planned online information session will:

  • Discuss how you can reduce your energy bills and carbon footprint
  • Discuss the benefits of making simple changes to the way you use energy at home
  • Share practical tips to help you to start saving money on your bills straight away
  • Direct you to local sources of support and potential funding options.

You can sign up now, for this free online information session being facilitated on Friday 18th November 12noon 'til 1pm.

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