New business learning events & experts at St Andrews Business Club

19th January 2018

St Andrews Business Club has announced new business learning events open to all as part of the final part of its 2017-18 season.

Anyone wishing to improve the business they work in, as well as network, is being invited to attend the events at The Old Course Hotel, which began on January 10 and will continue till June.

The business learning event topics, some of which were suggested by members, have been chosen to provide essential information on today’s key business issues attendees can use straight away.

On January 24, what to expect in the business environment in North-East Fife in 2018 will be the topic dealt with by Keith Winter, Executive Director of Enterprise & Environment at Fife Council and Professor Brad MacKay, Vice-Principal, International Strategy and External Relations at University of St Andrews. It will include insights into the likely impact of the City Deals and research on the effect of Brexit on business decision-making.

February 14 will see award-winning media & PR expert Lynda Hamilton Parker explain marketing messaging, while on February 28 the benefits of Modern Apprenticeships will be outlined by experts John McFarlane, Employer Engagement Co-ordinator responsible for the Modern Apprenticeship programme at Fife Council and Heather Brown, Co-ordinator for Foundation Apprenticeships, Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) Fife.

The next two business learning events will both be breakfasts - with international sales consultant, tutor and business coach, Peter Waggott, explaining how to ensure better sales and profits on April 25, while international bestselling mindfulness author Paul Mudd will lead attendees in ‘Uncovering Mindfulness – For You, Your Business & Life in General’ on May 23.

The final educational event of the season, on June 6, will see Gerry Grant, Chief Ethical Hacking Consultant at Curious Frank - the cyber section of the Scottish Business Resilience Centre - speak on cyber resilience.

For those looking for more personal learning and feedback on their individual situation, the Club is holding a pilot informal facilitated networking lunch on March 28 - at which a small number of people will discuss how a business issue or problem they have or may have faced was or can be dealt with.

The final event of the season will be a members and guests-only guided tour of the University of St Andrews’ Eden Campus at Guardbridge on June 27.

Full details of all the club’s upcoming events are available on its website at

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