New Strategic UK Trade Advisory Group - Any members interested can apply to serve on the panel
A request has been forwarded on to Fife Chamber by the British Chamber of Commerce who have been advised by the UK Government that a new Strategic Advisory Group is being created by the DIT.
The Advisory Group will advise DIT ministers and trade negotiators on trade policy and negotiations.
The group will be made up of 14 experts drawn from different groups such as business, civil society and unions. One place has been reserved for a Scottish business.
These experts will have an interest in trade deals and their impact on the UK - from the workplace to consumer choice and the environment.
The group will meet quarterly, and have direct access to trade ministers and UK negotiators. Individuals who want to join, will be invited to apply by 17 August 2018.
If you would like to consider joining the panel you can get more detail from the Government website.