Own YOUR Chamber!

30th March 2022

Join the Directors and staff at our AGM on Wednesday 27th April for the presentation of the 2021 Annual Report and Accounts and the election of the Office Bearers and Directors for the coming year.

The AGM is on Zoom again and it is open to members of Fife Chamber, who can vote on the resolutions, and non-members, who have observer but not voting status.

The presentations will be followed by breakout rooms to let you tell us your current business challenges and the support that you want from Fife Chamber.

A copy of the Accounts can be sent to you in advance of the AGM if you require it.

We are proud to represent Fife and we want to do what’s right for our members: please join us at the AGM and tell us what YOU want from FIFE'S Chamber.

Email [email protected] to register or request a copy of the Accounts, and please circulate this note to your colleagues and business contacts so they can also participate.

To book your place/s visit Fife Chamber AGM | Fife Chamber of Commerce

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