The Really Useful HR Company provides support during Lockdown and beyond
Like many of you the first few weeks of lockdown were a turbulent time for The Really Useful HR Company and Sheena Doyle FCIPD, its founder. Sheena believes that proactive, positive HR and employment law solutions are the key to sustaining profitable growth through your people. In Sheena’s words ‘putting the human back into human resources.’
During this time of immense upheaval, new ways of working, as well as the challenges brought on by furlough and other people issues associated with COVDI-19, it quickly became evident to Sheena that there were a lot of businesses needing expert HR and employment law support which required a more holistic approach to HR rather than just the all too common transactional methods.
The willingness of The Really Useful HR Company to provide not only a welcome listening ear, but also 1-2-1 expert support and help has highlighted how we can help each other as members. Sheena has done a great deal of pro bono work for charities and smaller member groups such as Dunnikier Golf Club, whilst also engaging new clients such as Wellwood Communications during lockdown. Sheena has also made herself available to the Chamber team when members have raised questions which ordinarily may appear complex, but when posed to an expert in their field can be answered in an instant helping to relieve some of the anxiety being felt by those involved.
Speaking about her business style Sheena said “One of the key traits I endeavor to bring to my business is my personable approach, building trust and confidence by getting to know individual business owners, their business and their people, is essential to the quality of service I can provide. Being a reliable and trustworthy point of contact for my clients has been essential during these difficult times. Building from the foundations of my existing strong relationships with clients, combined with my experience and knowledge, I have been able to promote a more proactive, forward thinking and future proofing approach to every companies most important asset, their people.”
Looking to the future, Sheena firmly believes that the management of people and treating them all with the honesty and respect they deserve will be critical for businesses to recover from this crisis. “Leading your team out of lockdown and getting your business fit for the future can be overwhelming but it is important not to put your head in the sand and understand that help is never far away. Having an outsourced HR partner that you and your teams know, respect and trust can add so much value to your business long-term as you grow.”
Sheena has provided a free seven page guide 'Leading your people out of lockdown' on her website for you to download.