Scottish Government launches new website as part of its “Prepare for Brexit” campaign
The Scottish Government has started the next phase of its “Prepare for Brexit” campaign with the launch of a new website: The domain will host a specially designed Brexit self-assessment tool which will help businesses identify how Brexit might affect them, providing bespoke recommendations for action to help their planning activities. It will also be home to a Brexit 15-point checklist, news, articles, access to experts and event listings.
“Prepare for Brexit” is a one-door approach being jointly delivered by Scottish Enterprise, Highlands & Islands Enterprise Scottish Development International and Skills Development Scotland to encourage businesses to start preparing themselves now for the changes that may come when Brexit comes. A Brexit self-assessment tool, Brexit toolkit and 15-point Brexit checklist will help individual businesses identify the issues they should consider when preparing for Brexit. Expert advisers from across Scotland’s enterprise and skills agencies can provide one-to-one tailored support to help you develop tailored action plans for your business. Grants may also be available for consultancy support and there will be a series of Brexit events across Scotland.