Secure Shred Scotland Welcome Rebekah to the team
Secureshred Scotland are delighted to announce their newest member to their team Rebekah! Rebekah is the new Communication and Administration Assistant and will be dealing with all customers enquiries. She will be the person you speak to on the phone when you call so, they thought it so it is nice to put a face to the voice at the end of the phone!
Rebekah is from Dunfermline and has great knowledge of the local area and prides herself on her customers service skills.
Speaking about the new appointment Stevie Black Director said: "We pride ourselves on giving the best customer service so Rebekah's appointment to the company seemed a perfect match."
Rebekah herself went on to say: “I am so pleased to now be a part of Secureshred Scotland, I enjoy speaking to all of the customers and making sure they’re happy with the service we provide. Since joining the team, I have set up Secureshred Scotland on LinkedIn and Facebook in order for customers to contact us and to see our services on a social media platform. I am looking forward to seeing where this journey takes me.”
If you would like to speak to Rebekah to find out more information on how Secure Shred Scotland can help your business please contact her on 01592 657565 or equally drop her an email to get a quote: [email protected]