Suicide Prevention Week Learning Opportunities

22nd July 2022

This year’s suicide prevention campaign will focus on the emotional impact related to the cost-of-living crisis

The cost-of-living crisis is impacting on everyone regardless of job or income. We are all examining outgoings and thinking about where to make savings. This year’s campaign aims to highlight the emotional impact of the decisions which individuals and families are facing.

To support Fife’s workforce, Fife’s Health Promotion Service is working in collaboration with partners to provide a range of learning opportunities during the campaign week: from one-hour bitesize introduction workshops to two-day courses. For further information on each session and to register your interest in a space please click here.

Monday 5th September

▪ Samaritans Learn to Listen Workshop, 9.30am-10.30am

▪ Mental Health Improvement & Prevention of Self-Harm & Suicide Children & Young People…..Ask Tell, 2pm-3.30pm

Monday 5th & Tuesday 6th September

▪ Scottish Mental Health First Aid (two-day course)

Tuesday 6th September

▪ Positive Steps to Mental Health, 2pm-3pm

▪ Understanding & Responding to Children & Young People at risk of Self-Harm & Suicide, 3pm-4pm

Wednesday 7th September

▪ Supporting Families and Individuals in the Community, 10.00am-11.00am

Wednesday 7th & Thursday 8th September

▪ ASIST: Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (two day course)

Thursday 8th September

▪ Self-Harm Awareness, 9.30am-11.30am

Friday 9th September

▪ Bitesize Introduction to Understanding Suicide, 10am-11am

Closing date for registrations: Tuesday 16th August. Please note spaces are limited. Further dates are available through the Health Promotion Training Programme:

Further enquiries please contact: [email protected]

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