Vertical Motives MD appointed Communications & Marketing Director of European Mentoring & Coaching Council UK
Peter Waggott, Managing Director of Dundee-based sales consultancy Vertical Motives, has been appointed Communications & Marketing Director of the European Mentoring & Coaching Council UK (EMCC UK).
An experienced sales and management coach delivering workshops in the UK and overseas, Waggott was an executive working in B2B sales for blue chip companies in the UK, Europe and North America before starting Vertical Motives in 2015.
EMCC UK is part of the Europe-wide European Mentoring & Coaching Council and aims to promote good practice in mentoring and coaching across Europe. Waggott has been a member of EMCC UK since October 2015 and was previously on the EMCC UK steering group working with universities across Scotland to raise awareness of coaching.
An Executive Fellow of the University of Aberdeen, Waggott holds a Masters degree in Business Management, is an accredited coach through AoEC .
Last year a two-day practice-based sales workshop developed by Waggott was the first in the UK to achieve the standard required to be accredited as Recognised Prior Learning by a university. The University of Aberdeen Business School accepts it as part of a portfolio of training and achievement for consideration for entry to the university’s part-time, blended-learning MBA programme.
Speaking about the new role within EMMC UK, Waggott said: “I’m delighted to take up this new voluntary role with EMCC UK in order to boost good practice in mentoring and coaching in the UK.”