Young Person's Guarantee

21st September 2021

DYW Fife are backing the Young Person’s Guarantee and need more businesses and organisations in Fife to pledge their support. The YPG is a commitment to bring together employers, partners, and young people. Young people aged 16-24 in Scotland will be provided with the opportunity of a job, placement, training, or volunteering with employers.

What are the aims of Young Person’s Guarantee?

  • To prepare young people for the world of work through engaging with education, work experience and work-based learning opportunities
  • Engage with and provide opportunities to young people who face barriers to work
  • Create apprenticeships, training, and upskilling opportunities for young people
  • Create jobs and opportunities for young people
  • Create an inclusive workplace to enable young people to meet their potential

We already have great Fife businesses who have signed up to the YPG and are looking for more. If you are providing opportunities mentioned or engaging with Young people through work experience, mentoring or industry insight then you are already supporting the YPG so why not pledge your support.

Are you interested in joining the YPG and pledging support? If so, please have a look at the guide and proforma. DYW Fife and the Young people of Fife would really appreciate your support.

To discuss how your organisation can support the YPG further please contact Amanda.

To download the guide to the YPG proforma where employers can sign up, please click the file below.

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