You’re invited: The future of UK foreign policy, St Andrews

4th May 2018

As the Foreign Office seeks to create a ‘Global Britain’, we’re asking what the phrase means to you, and what the purpose and priorities of the UK’s foreign policy – and of the Foreign Office itself – should be today.

At the event, we will be asking what you think ‘Global Britain’ should mean. We’ll cover questions such as:

  • What does the UK offer the world?
  • What does Brexit mean for the UK’s place in the world?
  • How does the UK’s history help or hinder ‘Global Britain’?
  • What should ‘Global Britain’ focus on most? Should it be trade, human rights, the environment or something else?
  • How relevant does 'Global Britain' feel to you?
  • What international organisations should the UK be most active in?
  • Do you know what the FCO does for the UK, and what do you think it should concentrate on?

You can read the Committee’s first report on ‘Global Britain’ on its website which includes the Government’s vision of what ‘Global Britain’ means and the FCO’s role.

How you can help

  • Are you based in St Andrews or the surrounding area?
  • Do you work for a business with interests overseas such as exporting goods?
  • Do you work for a charity that works abroad?
  • Are you interested in UK foreign policy?

If so, come to our event and help shape the inquiry.

When and where?

St Andrews

Date: Thursday 10 May 2018

Time: 5.30pm – 7.30pm

The event is free to attend, but please book using our Eventbrite page as places are limited. To have a range of participants, we ask for a maximum of two people from one organisation.

If you know anyone else who would be interested, please pass on this information.

This is the second of a series of events planned across the UK.

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