Fife Business Week 2017 – Inspiring and Supporting Fife’s Businesses
FIFE Business Week 2017 is set to run this year from 6th to 10th November. In a week packed full of events aimed at inspiring and supporting Fife’s business community, it will also provide opportunities for Fife’s businesses to come together to network and exchange ideas.
Now in its eighth year, Fife’s main business event offers a broad range of seminars and workshops, covering important issues for the local economy and is once again set to be a major highlight of the Kingdom’s business calendar.
Launching this year’s Fife Business Week at Raytheon UK’s Glenrothes manufacturing facility, Managing Director, Stephen Doran and Chair of the Fife Economy Partnership knows well the importance and value of these events to the local business community.
He said: “Fife Business Week is a great showcase to promote local business and their success. It offers the opportunity for every company in Fife to come along, hear from industry experts whilst making new contacts and exchanging ideas.
“Fife is very much open for business and there is so much support available to help a business invest, grow and thrive. The region is already home to some of the UK’s highest performing small businesses, and we are proud that we can offer businesses high calibre, highly skilled staff, excellent infrastructure links and centres of excellence in many sectors.
“Fife Business Week is aimed at supporting economic growth, is designed to inspire businesses to grow, and to encourage them to join us on our journey to make Fife the best place to do business.”
During Fife Business Week, a Fife Council Meet the Buyer event will also be scheduled to connect businesses with buyers and decision makers to discuss how to access business with public sector agencies and prime private sector contractors, to highlight upcoming opportunities.
The theme for this year’s programme of events is Inspiring and Supporting Fife’s Businesses, aligned to Fife Economic Partnership’s objectives. The week of action will focus on key issues that are impacting on Fife entrepreneurs, business start-ups and employers with fresh insights into workforce development, finance and strategy and digital connectivity.
Convenor of the Economy, Tourism, Strategic Planning & Transportation Committee, Councillor Altany Craik commented: “The week of events will also demonstrate how Fife Council is working with partners across Fife to develop a highly skilled talent pool, get more people work-ready and develop skills that will help business and boost the local economy. The introduction of Developing Young Workforce (DYW) in Fife has created opportunities to develop the way schools, colleges and employability providers engage with business, as well as creating a broader range of opportunities for young people including Modern Apprenticeships and Foundation Apprenticeships. We hope that Fife Business Week will show the benefits to businesses and young people that participating in DYW can bring.”
Stephen Doran added: “The Fife Economy Partnership is ambitious to see the local economy flourish. Thanks to our partners, we are set to deliver a comprehensive line up of events that will enable businesses to access the range of public and private sector support agencies, business experts and entrepreneurs keen to help them move their businesses forward and secure future success.
“Events take place across Fife to inspire companies and entrepreneurs, and the majority are free to attend. We look forward to welcoming all businesses.”
Hosted by Fife Council’s Economic Development Team and Business Gateway team, Fife Business Week is designed to support businesses to succeed and flourish whilst making Fife the best place to do business.
The full calendar of events to mark the eighth Fife Business Week will be rolled out at the end of September.
For more information on Fife Business Week please email [email protected] or visit
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