Introducing Kingdom Kids
Kingdom Kids is a local children charity based in the heart of Fife. We are Kingdom FM's Children's Charity. Our primary aim is to support local Fife children through the provision of individual funding, as well as funding for clubs and organisations. The support we provide is targeted at cases where children are disadvantaged through social and economic circumstances, or through health and disability. Our support is focused on children from birth all the way up to 18 years old, but we are not limited by this age bracket. Kingdom Kids works directly with communities, families, support workers, volunteers and professionals to be able to provide the best and most effective support to the children who need it most. Getting involved in this way gives us a real sense of the needs of the people we are helping.
Our support is not just about donating funds, we help to profile campaigns for extreme cases – engaging with the community is at the heart of what we do. Our community is continually giving back to us, so when we receive support, we recognise this. As well as the satisfaction of contributing to your community, you will always be recognised through various channels, including Kingdom Kids/Kingdom FM social media and The Courier.
Throughout the year, we put on a variety of different events in order to raise funds. If you would like to be involved then please get in touch.