Multi-sector market visit to Ireland

5th March 2018

Join a delegation of Scottish companies on this two-day market visit to Dublin. Ireland is Scotland’s sixth largest export market and imports more from the UK than any other country – an ideal first step market for Scottish companies.

This multi-sector market visit is led by Scottish Development International (SDI), the international arm of Scotland’s enterprise agencies, in partnership with West Lothian Chamber of Commerce.

Why Ireland?

  • Benefits for Scottish businesses exporting to Ireland include:
  • English speaking
  • Same time zone
  • Strong transport links
  • Similar regulatory and legal framework
  • Ideal starter or test export market
  • Sophisticated consumer market
  • Open economy, used to imports
  • Good perception of the quality of British goods and services

What sectors?

The market visit is multi sector, however the following key sectors have been identified as offering good opportunities for our companies:

  • Retail
  • Transportation and distribution
  • Professional and financial services
  • Industrial and manufacturing
  • Medical and healthcare

Others sectors included Education, ICT, Construction and Energy, Tourism, Recreation and Agriculture, Scientific and Pharmaceutical.

The programme (subject to change):

Tuesday 24th April 2018
Delegates arrive in Dublin
Welcome drinks

Wednesday 25th April 2018
Welcome and market briefing
One-to-one meetings
Networking reception

Thursday 26th April 2018
One-to-one meetings
Travel home


There's no charge to participate in this market visit and the activities in the programme. You'll be responsible for covering the costs of your flights, accommodation and subsistence.

You may be eligible for funding to assist with these costs.

Express your interest

This is a draft programme which is subject to change. Places are limited and the closing date for application forms is 26 March 2018. Click here to register your interest.

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