SCC meet with Chamber Chief Executives
The latest Scottish Chamber of Commerce CEO Forum gave chamber chief executives from across the network a chance to get together to share their latest news, and start planning their collaborations and joint projects for 2019.
Speaking after the event Alan Mitchell - Fife Chamber Chief Executive said "There was a really useful exchange of information that will help all of us to learn what works well in different chambers that we can apply in our own to improve the service that we provide for our members."
"The main ‘learn’ for Fife Chamber was hearing about the events that other chambers run to make sure their new members and members who haven’t engaged much recently can find out about the wide array of services we offer – services that extend well beyond the networking and learning events most people know us for."
He added "So, we have started planning our own “Fife Chamber: More than Networking” events for 2019: watch this space to make sure that your business isn’t missing out on the full range of benefits that comes from your chamber membership."
To find out more call your Account Manager or visit the “Why Join” section of our website now to start learning the extra benefits you could be getting from your local chamber.