SCDI Engages With Scottish & UK Governments at Post-EU Referendum Business Sessions
Further to the outcome of the recent EU Referendum, SCDI engaged on behalf of our Members with both the Scottish Government & UK Government at two business roundtable discussion sessions hosted in Edinburgh on 5 July 2016.
Hosted by the Secretary of State for Scotland David Mundell MP, the UK Government meeting highlighted their desire for a ‘Team UK’ approach including the Scottish Government, and the devolved administrations in Wales and Northern Ireland, to ensure that the priorities of Scotland and the other UK nations and regions are taken into account.
The Scottish Government meeting was hosted by the First Minister Nicola Sturgeon MSP alongside Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Jobs & Fair Work, Keith Brown MSP. They were keen to stress that they are seeking to protect Scotland’s interests and that access to the Single Market and freedom of movement are areas of principal focus.
Some common themes emerging from both of these discussions and expressed by those in attendance included a desire for access to the Single Market; clarity on Freedom of Movement of citizens; an agile but stable Regulatory environment; and an increased need for integrated Infrastructure projects to help sustain and boost the economy.
SCDI highlighted the common cause of a need for economic stability for businesses and our desire to see both Governments work together to find effective solutions going forward and to demonstrate to all sectors - private, public and social economy - a unity of economic purpose. It is positive to see the Governments engaging at an early stage with business and civic Scotland on this key issue. We maintain there is a need to develop an agreement which will support prosperity, maintain partnerships and progress common priorities across Europe.
In this post-Referendum period, we will continue to take the temperature across the economy and work hard to understand the implications for businesses and organisations in Scotland. We will continue to seek the views of our members, across all sectors and in all geographies, to ensure that these continue to be communicated to both the Scottish & UK Governments as we work with them together for the Scottish economy.