Fife Chamber members set for a positive 2020!
This year’s event programme is shaping up to be the best yet, with master classes and workshops featuring the best businesses from Fife and elsewhere sharing their stories, look and learn visits to some of the Kingdom’s most successful and iconic companies and a revamped Fife Social programme with the emphasis on great networking and ‘wow’ venues, and a new morning timeslot for some of them to make them more convenient for you.
The Fife Business Awards Ceremony in March will showcase everything that’s great about Fife, while our Dinner in September will revert back to its traditional Friday night slot, but with a new twist: this year it will be a celebration of the achievements of Fife’s inspirational young people. We are delighted that one of Scotland’s leading business entrepreneurs and technology innovators has already agreed to speak at the event.
January will see meetings with Steve Dunlop, Chief Executive of Scottish Enterprise, and Kate Forbes, Scottish Government Minister for Public Finance and the Digital Economy, and these are just the first of many influential policy makers that we aim to bring to Fife to meet members.
The event programme coming together and the team is ready to help you make the new connections: all we need to make this Fife Chamber’s best year ever and an outstanding year for you, is for you to participate and enjoy the benefits of the networking, learning, lobbying and marketing that you can do through YOUR Chamber.