President's Update - February 2019
The Chamber’s Board met recently and signed off the 2019 Business Plan, which will see Fife’s biggest and broadest business organisation grow its membership base further. An expanded event programme and a comprehensive communications and social media plan will give members more and better opportunities to make valuable new connections and have their business concerns addressed by politicians and public policy makers.
The main features of the 2019 Business Plan include a refresh of Fife Social, the launch of Fife International and more exciting Fife Learn workshops and Master Classes. It will build on last year’s successful revamp of the Fife Business Awards with more improvements and additions to let more businesses apply and have their success showcased. Improved Account Management will add more value for our members from the time we spend with them.
With so much happening, this is the perfect time for new Directors to join the Board: individuals who can bring energy and skills that will help the Chief Executive and his team deliver their ambitious targets. Directors are expected to do more than just attend Board meetings: they have to come to Chamber events regularly and be vocal and passionate advocates of the Chamber across their networks.
If you would like an informal chat about what is expected of candidates, please contact an existing Board member or the Chief Executive in the first instance.
You must be from an existing member organisation to be eligible, and your application (a CV and short cover letter explaining what you can bring to the position) must be received no later than 1600 on Friday 8th March 2019. New Directors will be formally confirmed in post by the membership at the Chamber’s AGM on 23rd May 2019.
If you can help give Fife the best chamber of commerce in Scotland: we want to hear from you.